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Fairview Park UMC

This WAS the Official Website of the Fairview Park United Methodist Church

Thursday, March 30, 2006

March 5, 2006 -- FPUMC News Bulletin

Prepared and edited by
Rev. Anacleto G. Guerrero
FPUMC Administrative Pastor


M. Gabriel Compound,
Lilac Street
West Fairview, Quezon City 1118 Philippines
URL/Website: http://www.fpumc.blogspot.com
Tel. No. 939-22-10
Volume 6, Number 10—
Sunday, 05 March, 2006

Welcome to our Church at the Park!
To all of you who have come to worship with us today, may our Almighty God and Savior bless and shower you with his grace. You are most welcome to make this church as your church while you are in Metro Manila.
Altar Flowers Today:
Altar flowers today are offered by the Abenojar Family for the birthday of Mr. Dantes Abenojar on March 4.

March 5, 2006—First Sunday in Lent
Worship Services:
7:30 a.m. —Tagalog Worship Service
8:00/9:00 a.m. —Children’s Worship Services (Tagalog & English).
10:00 a.m. -- English Worship Service
2:30 p.m. —Montalban Mission Worship Service
6:30 p.m. —Vesper Worship Service.
Sunday School Classes:
8:00/9:00 a.m. —Sunday School for Children (Tagalog & English)
9:00 a.m. —Sunday School for the Youth
9:00 a.m. —Sunday School for Adults
9:00 a.m. —Sunday School for Chancel Choir
Midweek Worship Service:
8:00 p.m. March 8, 2006—WSCS
—Liturgist: Mrs. Fenny SP Rodriguez
—Speaker: Mrs.Connie Cabacaba
Guided Lenten Readings: The Passion Of The Christ (Could be used as BS Material)
1. His Triumphal Entry - Luke 19:28-40
2. His Cleansing of the Temple - Luke 19:45-48
3. His Teachings - Luke 20:27-38
4. His Last Supper - Luke 22:14-23
5. His Trial - Luke 23:13-25
6. His Death - Luke 23:33-43
7. His Resurrection - John 20:1-18 or Luke 24:1-10
Lectionary for March 5, 2006
OT: Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10
NT: Mark 1:9-15; 1 Peter 3:18-22
[Note: We are encouraged to read these Biblical passages during the week. Some Bible study Groups use these biblical references as study materials.]
Stewardship Report as of
March 4, 2006
A. English Worship Service:
Tithes/Pledges —15,500.00
Loose Offering 2,643.75
Building Fund 480.00
B. Tagalog Worship Service:
Tithes/Pledges 5,750.00
Loose Offering 1,762.00
Building Fund 500.00
C. Vesper Service 164.00

D. Midweek Service 211.00
E. Thanksgiving —50,850.00
F. Sunday Scho 45.35
G. Montalban Mission
H. Scholarship 1,000.00
Total Receipts — 78,906.11
Disbursements for the Week — 36,198.50
Birthday Wishes and Prayers (March 5-11)
05—Carlo B. Valenzuela
06—Erwin Yumang
07—Baby Amador, Rizelle (Din-Din) Bautista, Glicerio M. Ferrer
08—Edwin Bautista, Tanya Jane Lucas
09—Daphne Villanueva, Myrianne (Mia) Suaverdez
10—Norma Alucema
11—Joed Fonacier, Lingling Banac, Lucina Banac
Wedding Anniversary Wishes and Prayers (March 5-11)
08—Candido, Jr. & Gloria Dimalanta
WSCS Schedule of Activities
March 11—QCD Cluster V meeting to be held at Deparo UMC. Time: 2:00 p.m.
March 18—PACE WSCS Annual Conference to be held at the Living Word UMC. Time: 2:00 p.m.
March 25—Jericho Walk. Time: 6:30 a.m. Program In-charge: Mrs. Annie Gato. Devotion Leader: Mrs. Fely Escudero.
March 25—FPUMC WSCS Election of Officers after the Jericho Walk.
Sta. Lucia BS Group Schedule for March:
March 3—Galapia Residence, BIR, Quezon City.
March 17—Rodriguez Residence, Merry Homes Subdivision, Quezon City.
Conferences to Pray for:
1. FPUMC Charge Conference—March 18, 2006. Written reports will be read and submitted—Pastors, deaconess, church council, N-O-W ministries, PPR, local organizations, budget, statistics, recommendations, etc.
2. QCD District Conference—March 25, 2006, Saturday. Venue: Lagro UMC. Time: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Registration fee per delegate: P150.00. Expected to attend: Retired pastors and active pastors and deaconesses, candidates to the ministry, chairpersons of local Church Councils, Lay Leaders, Principal delegates to PACE, district stewards, district officers, presidents of district lay organizations.
3. PACE Annual Session—April 3-6, 2006. Venue: Angono UMC. Expected to attend: retired and active pastors and deaconesses, candidates to the ministry, principal lay delegates to PACE, two district youth representatives, presidents of PACE lay organizations.
4. Philippines Central Conference—Nov. 24-25, 2006. Venue: Central UMC. To attend: Elected delegates from all annual conferences throughout the Episcopal areas in the Philippines, and other delegates specified in the Book of Discipline of the UMC.Agenda: Church Structure—Autonomy or Connectionalism (Globaliza-tion) for the UMC in the Philippines.
Aldersgate Prayer and Praise Fellowship:
March 8—St. John UMC. Time: 6:30 a.m.
QCD Sowers’ Training for Evangelism and Mission (STEM):
Last Session—March 11, 2006 (Saturday). Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue:
St. John UMC. Registration fee: P200.00 / participant. Expected to attend: local
church lay people especially the members of the Witness Ministries.
Summer Youth Camp
By local churches or clusters.
March 7, 2006. All ministerial candidates from the Quezon City District will be interviewed and screened. Venue: St. John UMC. Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
QCD Committee on Ordained Ministry:
March 14, 2006. To be interviewed: Candidates to the Ministry, local pastors. Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Good Samaritan UMC. Bring all necessary documents specified by the DCOM.
Moving Up Program Schedule (Tentative)
March 23, 4:00 p.m.—Lupang Biyaya Outreach
March 24, 4:00 p.m.—Sto. Nino Outreach
QCD Church Workers Fellowship/Clergy Spouses Association:
Meetings and sessions on Continuing Education. April 1—Lagro UMC; May 6—North
Fairview UMC. Time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
QCD Daily Vacation Church School (DVCS) Training Workshop:
Date: April 10-12, 2006. Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Kamuning First
UMC. Registration fee: P300.00 / participant. Cost of Manual: P350.00. Local
churches are expected to send their delegates.
Local Church DVCS Proper:
Date: April 17 to 22, 24 to 29. All local churches are expected to conduct DVCS classes, and in Mission Points.
QCD Elderly Fellowship – TBA
LENTEN 2006 Schedule:
[From the “Glossary of Worship Terms” 2006 Church Calendar].
March 1 —Ash Wednesday.
March 5 —First Sunday in Lent.
March 12 —Second Sunday in Lent.
March 19 —Third Sunday in Lent.
March 26 —Fourth Sunday in Lent.
April 2 —Fifth Sunday in Lent.
April 9 —Passion/Palm Sunday.
April 13 —Maundy/Holy Thursday.
April 14 —Good/Holy Friday.
April 16 —Easter Sunday.
FPUMC Nurture Committee February-May Schedule
03/12 —Start of Confirmation Class
04/10-11 QCD Vacation Church School Training
04/12 —FPUMC Echo Training, Vacation Church School
04/23 —Recognition Day for Students & Graduates
(Pre-School to Graduate School)
04/17,21,24,29 —VCS Classes, FPUMC and Mission Outreach Points
05/2-4 —Summer Children’s Camp
05/10-13 —Summer Youth Camp
05/14 —Mother’s Day
National UMYAF Biennial Assembly:
Date: April 29 to May 1, 2006. Venue: Tagaytay Mission Camp, Tagaytay City.…..
Prayer Requests and Church Concerns:
Let us include in our prayers those who are sick—in the hospitals, in homes and residences. [Note: Please inform the church office and/or your pastors in cases of sickness, hospitalization, and the like. Your pastors welcome requests for prayers and are ready to pay personal visits to those who need them.]
Traveling Mercies/Prayers:
For Mrs. Leticia Abenojar who is leaving for the United States today, March 5. She’ll be away for about six months and will be with her children.
Bible Study Groups Schedule—Monday to Saturday
Monday--6:00 a.m. —Turgano Residence (1st & 3rd Monday)
--5:00 p.m. —Martillano Group, Samaka (2nd & 4th Monday)
Tuesday--4:00 p.m. —Pascasio Group, Lupang Biyaya
--8:00 p.m. —West-North-Central Group
Wednesday--1:30 p.m. —Sto. Nino Group
(Adult Group & Children’s Group
--3:30 p.m. —Amaca Group
(Adult Group & Children’s Group
Thursday—2:00 p.m. —Mustang Group
--3:00 p.m. —Montalban Mission
(Adult Group & Children’s Group)
--8:00 p.m. —Famorca Group, Kalaw Hills
Friday--1:30 p.m. —Rabosna Group
--8:00 p.m. —Sta. Lucia Group
--8:00 p.m. —Don Jose Group
Saturday--1:30 p.m. —Malibu Group (TBA)
--2:00 p.m. —Outreach Group (2nd & 4th Saturday)
--5:00 p.m. —Chancel Choir
--7:00 p.m. —Tabing-Echavez Employees…..
Prayer Warriors & Prayer Partners [Every Tuesday & Thursday]
This is done simultaneously at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon every Tuesday and Thursday. For particulars please contact the leader: Mrs. Fely Escudero.
Memory Verse:
“For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them.” --Matthew 18:20 GNB


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