FPUMC News Bulletin--January 15, 2006
Prepared and Edited by
Rev. Anacleto G. Guerrero
FPUMC Administrative Pastor
M. Gabriel Compound,
Tel. No. 939-22-10
Volume 6, Number 03—
Welcome to our Church at the Park!
…To all of you who have come to worship with us today, may our Almighty God and Savior bless and shower you with his grace. You are most welcome to make this church as your church while you are in Metro Manila.
Altar Flowers Today
…Offered by Engr. & Engr. Angel/Pearl Flores & Family for the birthday of Pearlie Joy Flores, our UMYF president, on January 13.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Worship Services:
…Tagalog Worship Service—
…..Preacher: Rev. Glicerio M. Ferrer
…Children’s Worship Service (Tagalog) –
…..In-charge: Mrs. Laarni L. de Jesus
…Children’s Worship Service (English) –
…..In-charge: Mrs. Laarni L. de Jesus
…English Worship Service—
…..Preacher: Rev. Anacleto G. Guerrero
…Montalban Mission Worship Service –
…..Preacher: Rev. Glicerio M. Ferrer
…Vesper Worship Service– 7:30 p.m.
…..Preacher: Rev. Anacleto G. Guerrero
Sunday School Classes:
…Sunday School for Children (Tagalog) --
…Sunday School for Children (English) –
…..In-Charge: Mrs. Laarni L. de Jesus & Ms. Layla Tal Medina
…Sunday School for the Youth,
…..In Charge: Mrs. Milagros “Miles” Ronquillo
…Sunday School for Adults,
…..In-Charge: Mr. Onesimus Gato
Stewardship Report as of
English Worship Service:
…Tithes/Pledges —PhP17,150.00 +US$100.00
…Loose Offering—3,611.00
Tagalog Worship Service:
…Loose Offering—1,956.00
Vesper Worship Service:
…Loose Offering—660.25
Midweek Service:
…Loose Offering—1,980.00
Outreach Subsidy:
…Admr. & Mrs. Serapio Martillano—1,000.00
…Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Peter Fernando—1,500.00
Montalban Mission Offering—64.00
Building Fund—2,850.00
Flower Donation—1,000.00
Total Receipts—PhP37,120.25 + US$100.00
Disbursements for the Week—PhP17,460.50
Today, Sunday, January 15
Immediately after the English Service the Leadership Committee (Nominations Committee) will meet to consider items for the charge conference. Members of the committee will please stay for this very important meeting. Chair: Administrative Pastor. Co-Chair: Church Lay Leader, Mrs.
Next Sunday, January 22
…Church Council Meeting. Chair: Mrs. Gloria B. Dimalanta. Agenda: Preparation for the coming Charge Conference on March 18.
Lectionary for the Week –January 15
OT: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20); Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
NT: John 1:43-51; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
[Note: We are encouraged to read these Biblical passages during the week. Some Bible study Groups use these biblical references as study materials.]
January 2006 Schedule:
(Note: The season after Epiphany is observed from the first Sunday after Epiphany [
15—Second Sunday after the Epiphany (Regular Worship Services)
22—Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Regular Worship Services)
29—Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (Regular Worship Services)
Birthday Wishes and Prayers (January 15-21)
15—Kenneth Amador
16—Ariane Dulay, Rolando Asuncion
17—Pacito Martinez, Jr., Justin Mutia
18—Allyza Calaqui
19—Lolita M. Manacop
20—Dorcas Mae Comandante
21—Virgie Gallarde, Divina Paterno
Wedding Anniversary Wishes and Prayers (January 15-21)
15—Rodolfo & Corazon Vidal
19—Demetrio & Raymar Famorca, Halford & Precy Liban
21—Elmer & Rowena
Bible Study Groups Schedule—Monday to Saturday
…Tuesday --
…Wednesday --
…..(Adult Group & Children’s Group
…..(Adult Group & Children’s Group
…..(Adult Group & Children’s Group)
…Saturday --
Midweek Services Schedule for January 2006:
18—c/o UMYAF
25—c/o UMYF
District Meetings
…January 18—QCD Outreach Ministry Committee, QCD Office,
…January 19—QCD Witness Ministry Committee, QCD Office,
…January 19—QCD Nurture Committee & Deaconesses, QCD Office,
…January 21, Saturday Evening—Musical Concert featuring the His Minstrels from Fairview Park UMC. Venue: Kamuning First UMC. Ticket: P100.00@. Please contact our FPUMC WSCS Officers. President: Mrs. Ma. Carmelita “Marlee” Ramota.
…Our congratulations to Ms. Lilianne Escudero Ulgado who is appointed as the new Chief Accountant of the Supreme Court of the
Our Prayers and Comfort
…For the de Jesus and Lazaro families for the demise of their grandfather who died on
Prayer Requests and Church Concerns:
…Let us include in our prayers those who are sick—in the hospitals, in homes and residences. [Note: Please inform the church office and/or your pastors in cases of sickness, hospitalization, and the like. Your pastors welcome requests for prayers and are ready to pay personal visits to those who need them.]
“Jericho Walk” will be held on
Prayer Warriors & Prayer Partners [Every Tuesday & Thursday]
This is done simultaneously at
Our next priority project is the construction of our
Memory Verse:
“The Lord came and stood there, and called as he had before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Samuel answered, ‘Speak; your servant is listening.’” --1 Samuel
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